Monday, January 05, 2009

Jesus says Follow Me

Daily Reading: Gen. 12-14 & Luke 5

God called Abraham, Simon Peter, James & John the sons of Zebedee and Matthew Levi to follow Him, and they all left and followed him.  Abraham left his family and his families country to go to a new unfamiliar country.  Peter, James and John had a fishing business together and they dropped it and followed Jesus.  Matthew was a lucrative tax collector and at hearing the invitation left it and followed Jesus.  Are we willing to leave behind our old life to follow Jesus?  Are we willing to let go of the worldly ties to spend time with God?  When we discover that Jesus is life, He is salvation, He is our all in all, are we willing to give him our all?

I have left things in my old life behind, but have I given up all for Jesus?  I still have ties to the world as I do live in the world, but am I willing to forsake all to be with Him?  I need to make sure that my first priority is to spend time with Jesus.  To hear what he has to say and be guided by Him and willing to follow where he leads even if it seems scary and foreign, and realize that He will be there with me and he will see me through it.

Lord, please help me to hear your call in my life that I will be ready to drop all and follow you where you may lead.  Lord, I desire a deep relationship with you, so that I can know you and know that you are there for me.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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