Friday, February 06, 2009

Witness Boldly by the Power of the Holy Spirit

Post #2 tonight.

Daily Reading:  Levitcus 1-3 & Acts 13

Scripture:  Acts 13:46-47

Paul and Barnabas were chosen by and filled by the Holy Spirit.  They preached boldly to the established religious leaders sharing the truth about Jesus and the Salvation he was to provide, and upon the Jews rejecting them they were to turn to the Gentiles.  The message of Grace, the message of Salvation, the message of Love was to be taken to the whole world and God would like to have used his Chosen nation, Israel to accomplish that goal, but now he had to take it directly to the gentiles through these humble servants fill to face all odds to be share the testimony of Jesus.  They were able to put a sorcerer in his place, tell the religious leaders they had despised salvation and stand up to ridicule, opposition and scorn to share this message by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I need to allow the spirit to lead and guide me as I interact with people, so that I can boldly share the love of Christ, so I can share the mercy and grace and salvation that He wants to provide to all my friends, family and acquaintances.  I will receive opposition, ridicule and scorn but the Holy Spirit will provide a powerful message and protection to the messenger.

Lord, fill me with your Holy Spirit.  Help me to see the opportunity to share with others, to direct people to your Truth, to share your testimony and your plan of salvation to those in my sphere.  Help me to be step out in faith and speak boldly the message you give me.
In Jesus Name, Amen!

How can I Enter His Tabernacle?

Well, I missed my journal last night, so I am going to play catch up and post two tonight.  Thanks you Tracey for staying on top of me to get this done.  I was tired last night and let that stop me from getting it done, but not tonight as I'm going to work double time.

Daily Reading for 2/5/2009:  Ex. 39 & 40, Psalm 15 & Acts 12

Scripture: Psalm 15:1-2

How can I enter into the presence of God Almighty?  How can I enter the house of God to look upon the face of my father and my friend?  I must walk uprightly, work righteousness and speak the truth in my heart. How can I do this being a sinner (a transgressor of God's law) deserving death because of that transgression?

Lord, only if you live in my heart and fulfill the law of liberty the law of love in my life.  Only if I dwell on you and your transforming word can you work a change in my heart to love you and love my fellow man.  Only you can help me to walk uprightly, work righteousness and speak truth for only you are upright and righteous and the truth.  You are the way oh Lord, the light unto my path, so that I can dwell in your presence and bask in the glory of your love.

Lord, help my unbelief.  Lord live in me and work a change in my wayward heart.  Get rid of the sinful nature and replace it with your righteous life, your strength, your power.  Lord, change me, mold me, create a new creature that can love, obey and abide in you for all my needs.  Lord make me holy.  Amen!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Daily Reading:  Ex. 37, 38; Ps 19; Acts 11

Scripture:  Psalm 19:14

God explains in Psalm 19 that he is not only revealed to me in His creation (so long evolution), but that He is revealed in a very special way in His Word.  Not just a casual reading, not just to understand the flow of events (history), not just to know that God exists, but to be converted (v. 7), made wise (v. 7), causing rejoicing in my heart (v. 8), enlightening my eyes (v. 8), that His Word is more desired than gold and sweeter than honey (v. 10), and verse 11 promises a great reward in keeping them. 

I need to keep God's word close to my heart, to desire it like I desire water when I am thirsty.  To seek his counsel, To understand the depth and breadth of my Creator, To find out how I can please my Lord, the lover of my soul.  To keep His Words in my Heart and let them flow out in my Life.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in they sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.  For you Love with a conquering Love, a love that compels my complete surrender as it melts away my cold hard heart.  You have lifted me up, strengthened me, and my desire is to love you, dwell in you, and be found acceptable in your sight.  I long to hear the words, Well done thou good and faithful, Well Done!"  In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

No Respecter of Persons

Wow, it has been crazy lately.  The last post and last reading I did was on Jan 5.  That's just pitiful that I only lasted 5 days and then bailed on the reading plan.  I missed one night, then two because of being too busy and then it was hard to get back to it and then I forgot about it.  I remembered occasionally but not at the right times.  It has been getting busier and busier, and I finally said enough is enough.  I have to take the time even if I stay up late to do it.  I need my time with God and I need God's help in my life.  I need Him to help me gain control of myself, control of my household, control of my work and get things working right again.  I'm just sorry I missed so much, but I'll get to read over it again next year, right?

If you are reading this and I miss a blog again, please hound me and help me stay accountable to this.  OK, here goes...

Daily Reading:  Ex. 35, 26 & Acts 10

Scripture:  Acts 10:34, 35

God is no respecter of persons. He does not want or need men of high esteem with Titles and Degrees.  He accepts those that fear Him (respect Him) and obey His commandments from all nations, to do His work.  He wants the Peter's, the fishermen, the Cornelius', the devoted, the servants, the common ordinary lay people to draw close to Him and work for Him.  That does not mean he won't accept those that have high esteem among men, as long as that person does not have a haughty heart.

Don't let me step in to the trap of being a respecter of persons.  Men are just men, and we are all sinners in need of a loving, merciful God to save us.  Don't let me hold back from witnessing to another because of a person's so called esteem or lack thereof.  

Lord, I pray that I will draw close to you, so that you can use me and my talents to reach others, not matter who they are in this world.