Sunday, January 04, 2009

Judge the Message NOT the Messenger

OK, now to catch up on my Jan. 4th reading.

Daily Reading:  Gen. 9-11 & Luke 4

Scripture:  Luke 4:24

In Luke 4:24 Jesus was preaching in Nazareth his home town.  They had lived with Jesus, watching him grow from a boy to a man.  He was common to them and they had no high regard for him.  So when he came to them as Christ Jesus proclaiming his time had come to preach the gospel, they could not believe him for they saw him as Joseph's son not the Messiah.  Jesus explained that a prophet is not accepted in his own country.  Do we sometimes reject Godly wisdom brought to us through our family and friends and reject it because of who brought the message to us?

I want to be careful that I don't miss out on God's message to me, because I can't accept who is delivering the message.  God worked through many people throughout the Bible, and all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, yet they were doing as they were told and delivering a message to God's people and many times God's people rejected it.  We should be careful and weigh the message as to wether it came from God and is in harmony with God's word, and not judge the message by the messenger who brings it as they will never live up to the message because they are sinners just like us.

Lord, please help me to hear your voice in the message you send to me.  Help me to not judge the message by the messenger who brings it, but accept your word and receive it gladly that I may obey and follow You.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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