Sunday, January 04, 2009

Jan 3 - Walk With God

I was at church all day Saturday, Jan. 3 helping run the Audio/Visual booth and then attended the Loghry post-Christmas Party that evening, so I did not have the time I needed to sit down and read my lesson for January 3rd, so I am making up for it today.  Here goes:

Daily Reading: Gen 6-8 & Luke 3

Scripture: Gen 6:6, 8 & 9

Verse 6 says that God repented that he had made man because man's wickedness had so pervaded him that his every thought was evil.  It says God was grieved.  It tore at his heart that something he had made perfect in every way, something he had enjoyed interacting with had become so corrupt and evil.  Except for one man who found grace in the eyes of God according to verse 7, and that was Noah.  In verse 8 it explains why he found grace in the eyes of God, because he was a just man and perfect in his generations and Noah WALKED WITH GOD.  Noah had a relationship with God.  He loved God.  He spent time with God.  He got to know God.  He beheld and was changed by God.  And therefore he was found to be perfect and just and one deserving of God's grace.  Apparently Noah had influenced his family has well, as God invited Noah's wife, his sons and his son's wives to join him on the ark to be saved.  Noah was a man of integrity, honor and uprightness, because he walked with God.  You might say he was mentored by the best teacher on the subject, but it's more than that he was molded, shaped and changed to be more like God.

God is Righteous.  God is Truth.  God is Love.  If I want to attain truth, love and righteousness, I need to Walk with God on a daily basis, no an hourly basis, no minute by minute, no I need to walk with God on a continual basis.  I need to draw close to God and not let go.  I need to fall so in love with God that He becomes my all in all.

Dear Father, as I embark on this life journey with You, may it blossom into a deeper and deeper relationship with You.  May I find more and more ways to fall in love with You, to trust in You, to rely upon You, to surrender my selfish motives to You.  Help me, Lord, to continually walk with You, so that You can change me into that perfect creation You desired for me to be originally.  Please, forgive me of my sins, my selfish motives, my rebellion toward.  Lord I pray by the blood of Jesus, Amen!

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