Scripture: Psalm 19:14
God explains in Psalm 19 that he is not only revealed to me in His creation (so long evolution), but that He is revealed in a very special way in His Word. Not just a casual reading, not just to understand the flow of events (history), not just to know that God exists, but to be converted (v. 7), made wise (v. 7), causing rejoicing in my heart (v. 8), enlightening my eyes (v. 8), that His Word is more desired than gold and sweeter than honey (v. 10), and verse 11 promises a great reward in keeping them.
I need to keep God's word close to my heart, to desire it like I desire water when I am thirsty. To seek his counsel, To understand the depth and breadth of my Creator, To find out how I can please my Lord, the lover of my soul. To keep His Words in my Heart and let them flow out in my Life.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in they sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. For you Love with a conquering Love, a love that compels my complete surrender as it melts away my cold hard heart. You have lifted me up, strengthened me, and my desire is to love you, dwell in you, and be found acceptable in your sight. I long to hear the words, Well done thou good and faithful, Well Done!" In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
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